If we try to ask them who's in the panda, they don't want to tell anyone (it's their secret name), someday there will be a revealed guy playing the panda. Tyreke
No, Dude Perfect are not fake. They are professional quarter backs that practice long shots using basketballs. It is real.
no Po has a crush on master Tigress as shown in kung fu panda 2 where he hugs her at the end. I believe that she has a crush on him to because earlier in the movie tigress hugs him and says she cannot let her friend get killed. Dude,That was just a friendly hug get real!,Those hugs doesn't have anything to do with Romance between Po and Tigress
I think the Cobra would be a fearsome opponent for a Panda to take on, but I also think the Panda would be big enough to kill the cobra before a bite could be made. I side with the Panda.
Ting-Ting is Alejandro's panda from Total Drama: World Tour
because of the black rings around his eye look just like a panda's
got to be legit
Erik betts played the dude in the panda suit on that episode
No, Dude Perfect are not fake. They are professional quarter backs that practice long shots using basketballs. It is real.
Their environment provides them with everything they need to survive.
Cody is 6.6 and Coby is 5.9
perfect since my dude.
yes dude
No, Dude Perfect are not fake. They are professional quaterbacks that practice long shots with basketballs. It is real and awesome. Source: I have met them in real life, and seen their tricks first hand.
practice I can do it go to you tube dude perfect
the dude who don't knows anything about mechanical engineering but .....?
Dude Perfect has over 57 million subscribers on YouTube, making them one of the most popular channels on the platform. They also have a large following on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.
po is played by Mick Wingret who does a perfect imataiton of Jack Black