There isn't a definitive answer for this question but perhaps it would be the show runner, Al Jean.
The Simpsons creator Matt Groening is 63 years old (birthdate: February 15, 1954).
If you meant to spell "Simpsons", Matt Groening created the television series "The Simpsons"
His family inspired him in creating The Simpsons which is why they are named after them.
Matt Groening created them and he & producer James L. Brooks turned Matt's characters into a series.
As of 01|01|2015, No, Matt Groening is alive.
Simpson's Millionaire I'm guessing. The answer is Matt groening.
Matt Groening is the co-producer of The Simpsons
he is the creator of the simpsons
The Simpsons.
the creator is Matt groening
Matt Groening & 1989
The Simpsons & Futurama.
the writer's name is Matt Groening
By the creating the Simpsons.
The editor of the simpsons is Matt Groening. Okily-Dokily-doo!