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Debbie Rowe is his mother.

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She is an unknown surrogate.

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Q: Who is the mother of prince Michael Jackson 11?
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Who is the daughter of Michael Jackson?

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, she is 11 years old and the sister of Prince Michael Joeseph Jackson I and the half sister of Prince Michael joeseph Jackson II aka Blanket. Her mother is Debbie Rowe.

What are Michael Jackson's family names?

His mother and father: Katherine Kackson and Joseph Jackson. His children: Michael Joseph Jackson Jr "Prince"(12) Paris Michael Katherine Jackson(11) and Prince Michael Jackson (7) "Blanket". His siblings: Jermaine, Janet, LaToya, Jackie, Randy, Marlon, Rebbie, and Tito.

Who is Michael Jackson survived by?

Father: Joe Jackson Mother: Katherine Jackson Brothers: Jermaine Marlon Tito Jackie Sisters: Janet LaToya Rebbie Children: Prince Paris "Blanket"

Is prince Michael Jackson single?

He should be, he's 11!

Who are the mothers of Micheal Jackson's children?

Debbie Rowe, Michael's second wife, is the mother of his first two children. He named their two children after himself - Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (Prince) and Paris-Michael Katherine. His third child, Prince Michael II, was born to a mystery surrogate mother he never even met.

Does Michael Jackson have a fourth child?

no he doesnt he has 3 paris prince 1and prince 2 Better Answer: No he doesn't he has 3 children Prince Michael Jackson I (born Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.) Age 12 (b. 1997) Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (b. 1998) Age 11 Prince Michael Jackson II (better known as "Blanket") (b. 2002) Age 7

How old was Michael Jackson when he had his kids?

Prince Michael Jackson I (but born Michael Joseph Jackson Jr.) (b. 1997) Age 12 Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson (b. 1998) Age 11 Prince Michael Jackson II (but better known as "Blanket") (b. 2002) Age 7

Does Michael Jackson have 1 son and 1 daughter?

No Michael Jackson had 2 sons: Prince Michael I - 12 yrs old and Prince Michael II (known as Blanket) 7 yrs old and one daughter Paris Katherine Jackson 11 yrs old

What are the ages of Michael Jackson's children?

Prince is 12 Paris is 11 Blanket is 7

How old were Michael Jackson's children when he died?

Prince was 12, Paris was 11 and Blanket was 7.

What are Paris prince and Blanket Jackson's birth dates and what is blankets real name and who is their mother?

Prince was born Feb 13th 1997 which makes him 12. Paris was born April 3rd 1998 which makes her 11, their mother is Debbie Rowe. Blanket; real name Prince Michael II was born February 21st 2002 and his mother is an unknown surrogate.

Is Michael Jackson the biological father of his children?

Michael Jackson has three biological children named Prince Michael Jackson (12) Paris Jackson (11) they both have the same mother named Debbie Rowe, she has been in Michael's life since 1980 and the relationship with them was never more than a friend, and she was also one of Michael's nurses who treated him during the time he diagnosed with vitiligo, a skin disease that caused him to turn white, and at the time it got so bad he covered up with makeup. The mother of Michael's youngest son Prince Michael II (Blanket) is unknown.