John C. McGinley from Scrubs. He's the head of the Miller Taste League (MTL).
The answer is no. He is not the kid from Hook. His name is Windell Middlebrooks. The boy from Hook is named Raushan Hammond. Enjoy.
Joey Slotnick
His name is Justin Hagan.
Scott Halberstadt is an actor who is best known for his work as Eric on Nickelodeon's Drake and Josh and as the At&t guy from the Alltel wireless commercials. Other notable appearances include Grandma's Boy, Smokin' Aces, The Suite Life of Zach and Cody and dozens of commercials.
Aaron Takahashi
thud butt from the movie hook
The answer is no. He is not the kid from Hook. His name is Windell Middlebrooks. The boy from Hook is named Raushan Hammond. Enjoy.
Yes it is. His name isWin dellMiddlebrow's. I went to college with him. Here's his IMDB link: Commercial series for Miller High Life beer (2007) - "Take Back The High Life" ("Are You Living The High Life?")Dr. Pepper commercial "Dancing Football Player".Those are the 3 commercials he's done, 2 for High Life, one for DP.It's the same guy.See Related Links yes
The guy on the Subway commercials who lost weight eating their 6 grams of fat or less subs. Became their spokesperson.
Wentworth Miller (real life)
Potsch Boyd is the athletic guy in the Chevrolet commercials.
jarred the guy from the subway commercials?
No, I thought the same thing until I made a bet. The fat kid from Hook is Raushan Hammond while the Miller High Life guy is Windell Middlebrooks.
The first name of the Subway guy featured in Subway commercials is Jared.
She is the same, Emily Tarver. He is not. The guy in the Haverty commercials is: ??? the guy in the Publix commercials is: ??? Apparently it is harder to find the male actors in commercials.
The guy in the commercials