I wish! I'm having the same problem..the girl version sucks...
The Astro ad with the girl in the yellow track suit? I don't get if they're supposed to be lesbians or what...
The girl's name is Suzi Barrett. I'm very proud of her, although I don't even know her. She also made an hilarious video on Youtube before she was a mini-celeb (how I was introduced to her). Search "L.A. Sucks."
Tiffany from eastenders who's real name isMartine McCutcheon
well if you believe hard and try hard you can get the right voice i used to suck at singing and im a boy but those steps are very helpful to me and made me a great singer
Fill is an area related to Stroke & Fill. Stroke is the border or outline of a shape, and Fill is the area within the Stroke.
The cast of Yogurt Girl - 2013 includes: Raphael Gardner as Neighbor Kid Isabella Gardner as Neighbor Kid Isaiah Gardner as Neighbor Kid Jason Hayes as Dad Jazz Hayes as Yogurt Girl Michelle Merring as Mom
that sucks
Absolutely not. Period.
Skanklina Skankerson
She doesn't like you because your grammar sucks.
Of course lol
a hickey is where a guy sucks on a girl and a mark in left there for about 6 hours
The cast of Vandalism Sucks - 1996 includes: Alyson Pemoulie as Girl Stewart Thomas as Guy
he either A) sucks at that game. B) likes you.. if your a girl. or C) sucks at that game.
I hate Justin Bieber he sucks and he is like a girl.
runo sucks eggs