There are many actresses in the multitudes of Nivea commercials. Try specifying which commercial.
Deb D'Agostino is currently in 2010 Fall/Winter Nivea Moisturizer and Chap Stick advertisements/commercials
Catherine Steadman
anuj sachdeva
Asha Leo
Yes they have a little girl, Navy Talia Nash.
There are many actresses in the multitudes of Nivea commercials. Try specifying which commercial, or which year the commercial aired in.
Take note, his name is José Sidenei de Melo.
It is not known who sings in the Nivea commercial that has a girl trying on jeans. Nivea is a skin care company.
Sales for Nivea Q10 Plus can be found online from many different websites. Some examples of websites with Nivea Q10 Plus sales include Overstock, Ulta, and Drugstore.
anushka sharma
Addy Bradbury
That would be CeeLo Green, he is the singer in the Nivea commercial with the raspy voice.
The song was composed specifically for the commercial. NIVEA is looking into the possibility of making the song available
She is a model , She occurs in the nivea happy time commercial .
Parachute VA