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She is the worst announcer in advertising. Sounds not only amateurish, but has that annoying voice quality that would make most men not inquire about a second date. I assume she's the art director. I can just hear the client: "Hey! You know who would sound really GREAT? ... "

Aye yie yie yie

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Here is your girl. Carla Ossa

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Q: Who is the girl in the cato commercial?
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What is the song in the Cato commercial?

The song in the Cato commercial is called "The Choice Is Yours." It is written and performed by the group called Black Sheep.

Is Cato a boy or girl?

Cato is a boy tribute from district 2.

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In the 74th Hunger Games (The one Katniss and Peeta competed in) The last surviving Tributes were: Cato, the Male tribute from District two Peeta Mallerk, The male Tribute from District twelve And Katniss Everdeen, the female tribute from district Twelve

Who is the brunette actress in the Cato's clothing commercial?

It is the very beautiful Carla Ossa. I work for CATO and the brunette is also featured on our in-store display posters. The posters are routinely changed and thrown away, so if you call ahead and request it, the local CATO will give you the posters they dispose of for free.

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As of July 2014, the market cap for Cato Corporation (The) (CATO) is $867,405,535.65.

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if katniss shoots cato to kill him, cato will take peeta with him into the mutts below. in response to this, peeta has katniss shoot cato's hand. You might be talking about why Cato hates Katniss if so its because Katniss and Peeta took the croward away from them when they road in on their charriots at the begining when Katniss gets her name "The girl on fire"

What is the symbol for Cato Corporation - The - in the NYSE?

The symbol for Cato Corporation (The) in the NYSE is: CATO.

Which Roman senator stated Carthage must be destroyed?

There being a Senator who said Carthage must be destroyed was just propaganda.

Who is the girl dancing tango in milk life commercial?

The girl dancing in the commercial is not named. The man in the commercial is Johnathon Kelley.

Who is the girl riding on the sofa in commercial?

who is the girl riding on the sofa in commercial

What is cato first name?

Cato :)

Where does it say that clove and cato are dark haired in the hunger games?

It doesn't, their appearance isn't described. In the movie, Cato & Clove are being portrayed by Alexander Ludwig, a blonde, and Isabelle Fuhram, a dark haired girl.