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Katie Anderson is her name and she is the official spokesperson for the Fred Beans Family of Dealerships in Pennsylvania.

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Q: Who is the girl in the Fred Beans commercials?
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Who is the Fred appliance commercial girl?

The Fred appliance commercial girl is an actress named Laurel Coppock. She is best known for her role as the spokesperson in a series of commercials for the appliance retailer Fred's Appliance. Coppock's portrayal of the enthusiastic and knowledgeable salesperson has garnered her a significant following and recognition in the advertising industry.

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Fred Beans is a company known for their amazing canned beans. They give out their bean to countries all over the world. They also sell their beans in stores.

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Not sure which commercials you're refering to, but his ex wife (Thais) used to appear in the Ashworth ads.

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