Anuradha Patel
'na jane aisa ki kar dala..' You can get this song in mera pehla pehla pyaar movie album track..
Bhanujeet Sudan
teri haan haan teri naa naa
The female model in Jazzy B's song "Jine Mera Dil Luteya" is Gauahar Khan. Gauahar Khan is an Indian actress and model who has appeared in various Bollywood films and television shows. She gained popularity for her role in the film "Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year" and for winning the reality show "Bigg Boss 7."
Jazzy B
The female model in the song "Jinhe Mera Dil Luteya" by Jazzy B is Gauhar Khan. Gauhar Khan is an Indian actress and model who has appeared in various Bollywood films and music videos. She gained popularity for her appearance in this particular music video alongside Jazzy B and other artists.
Mera Me Ti Mera - song - was created in 2000.
mujhe jine nahi deti ha yad teri
aisa mera pyar hai song movie
Her name is sulagna panigrahi
hindi song
That's how the Song starts Ik baba Nanak si wahi jine turke duniya gahti ik aaj kal babe ne Bati lal (red) gaddi te layati Ik baba nanak si wahi jine tur ke dumiya gahati.You can download the song at hope that helps.
Anuradha Patel