Eminem has multiple songs that feature female singers. Most notably, in his song 'Stan', Eminem sampled the vocals from Dido's song 'Thank You' while Dina Rae provides vocals in the songs 'Come On Everybody', 'Drug Ballad', 'Superman' and 'We Made You'.
Your mom plays as the girl in blue.
The woman in the music video for the song "Spacebound" off of Eminem's album Recovery?is model/former porn star, Sasha Grey. She plays Eminem's girlfriend who ends up making Eminem shot himself.
Megan Fox I think...
basically it is about how he is single and about a girl. how he says he can't be her "superman" and he doesn't trust her. just look up the lyrics and it would be clear of what it is about.
in 2002
I'd have to say Superman, I mean he might be a fictional character, but he has been around longer and has made more money gross and net than Eminem. So Money wise, and length wise, Superman wins hands down.
just go on youtube and look up superman lyrics. The music vid wont be there
I think Taylor Swift likes Eminem's superman so she decided to make her own version of the song