Asha Leo
leezay ali
The night before Christmas.
The girl in the "Last Christmas" Wham video was a model called Kathy Hill. She can be found at the following links below.
There is a movie in which the girl is kidnapped in and held in a parking garage on Christmas eve. It is called P2.
The Kelloggs Christmas commercial with the kids who leave the box of Kelloggs Corn Flakes for Santa and fall asleep, then the little girl wakes up and Santa is sitting there eating them was made in 1991. It is 11 years old and shows every year.
kelloggs kelloggs kelloggs
Giselle Monteiro
Clare... she is gorgeous!
annie cooper
Izabelle Leite
Asha Leo
Its by Santogold and the track is "The Creator". Full track is on You Tube.
only girl in the world by Rhianna
Evelyn Sharma