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Bert Belasco

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Q: Who is the father to erica hubbards baby?
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When was Hubbards Foods created?

Hubbards Foods was created in 1990.

What is Hubbards Foods's population?

The population of Hubbards Foods is 150.

Is Erica a cute name?

Erica is a cute name for a baby girl but its not that cute, Thank You!

Is erica a good baby name?


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What river flows through hubbards hills?

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Did Erica Rose's father do Vienna's nose job?

Yes, Erica's father, Dr. Franklin Rose, board-certified plastic surgeon, did reconstructive and cosmetic surgery on Veinna Giraldis' nose!

What is the new Duncan's name?

The baby is a girl and it is going to be called Erica

Is Erica Campbell from Mary-Mary planing on having another baby?

Not yet

What is 'Erica D Baby' when translated from English to Italian?

Erica D Bambina is an Italian equivalent of 'Erica D Baby'. The word 'bambina' is a feminine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'la' ['the'] and as its indefinite 'una' ['a, one']. According to Italian, the phrase is pronounced 'EH-ree-kah Dee bahm-BEE-nah'.

What is the longest fictional book ever written?

Ron L hubbards book on sciencetology

What is the driving distance between Hubbards Nova Scotia and east river?

It is 12 km.