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Q: Who is the famous person who donated a lot of money to charity last year?
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Did one direction donated any money to any charities?

The Jonas Brothers donate 10% of all the money they earn as artists to their own charity organization called The Change For The Children Foundation, which in turn, distributes all the money it gets from the Jonas Brothers in a year, every year, to various charity's to help find cures for Diabetes, Cancer, etc, depending on the charity.

What did Justin Bieber did to make a world a better place?

What charity is Justin involved with? Well, Justin never really had any money when he was little, so when he become famous he decided to pay his money forward and give back therefore he is involved with many charities such as : The Make a Wish foundation - which allows him to meet a make a wish child at every concert even if it means flying them out. The Show your hearts foundation - helping raise money for the berry family who's parents died in a car crash and left two of the children paralizied from the waiste down. He helps to pay for their expensive medical treatment by raising money for them. Pencils of Promise - This foundation is run by his manager Scooter's brother Adam. Justin works with this charity in order to help build schools for those less fortunate than himself. The whitney elementary - a free school which helps parents who don't have a lot of money. Its a place where parents can send their children as a safe heaven. There the children will have tons of fun. Justin donated a whole truck load of free toys and things for this charity. The whitney food pantary - This is a food pantery run by the people of Whitney elementary helping people who are poor or not able to get food have it. It helps families all over texas. Justin donated a lot of money and food to this charity to help familes across texas. The canadian food pantary - Justin donated food to this pantary as well as money since it was a place close to his heart, a place he used to go with his mom when he was younger and less fortunate. Remember Alex Brown Charity- He is involved in this charity in order to spread the message of not texting while your driving. He has a special message for each concert about not texting while he is driving. He donates 1 dollar from every ticket sold at all of his concerts to a charity in order to help people across the world. WeTopia - He is involved with the game wetopia which is sort of like a charity. He spreaded the message that everyone should play wetopia because the more playing do the more help your giving to everybody else. Huicaine Sandy Charity - He flew to New York and all of the main areas effected by hurricain Sandy and donated money and supplies in order to help save those people effected.

What charity did Chris Mccandless give all his money to?

give his money in the people who are poor

Why did Michael Jackson kiss his fans?

He donated money to charity because he felt that this was a good thing! He had feelings for all the children who didn't have enough to eat, drink and some where to stay, Like he and many other people had, and he wanted to show that just a little can make a difference. Personally I think Michael donated to charity because he also knew what it was like for some of them as he had experience from growing up himself how hard it must be for some of them.

Is Bill Gates' net worth over 82 billion?

No, at his highest net worth he was worth around $100bil. It is now invested mostly into charities but he doesn't have access to that money so that's not part of his net worth... His net worth as of 2008 is US$58 Billion. Actually technically he is. He has about $53 billion dollars left in Microsoft & a few small investments but his charity Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or something like that is worth about about 30 -40 billion dollars of his money from selling stock over the years. Because he has donated about half his fortune to his charity it technically is no longer under his control for person use as least & thus not officially counted as part of his net worth anymore. But since he still does control the money you could make a case that he still is worth more then $83 billion since he owns & controls the charity too but again he can't use it's money anymore for personal use. The charity of course does invest to help fund more causes & has some administrative costs namely the fact that Bill's father runs the charity on Bill's behalf but the costs are small for any charity but especially one as large as it is. Warren Buffets donation assuming he died in the next few months would about double the Charity's value. Its hard to know exactly how much money is in the charity since they are private & not regulated to announce publicly how much they have or spend each year. But for years Bill has sold shares I believe on a daily basis to help diversify but also to help fund the charity. I read somewhere where Bill has a personal broker who's sole job is to sell X amount of shares regularly regardless of price to fund the charity & other smaller investments. Though if he does like Buffet all but a minor fraction of his wealth would go directly to the charity. Many CEOs regularly sell to diversify their holdings though they must be approved by regulator bodies before hand.

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6/100 of 5268 = 316.08 of money

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He made an honorable thought about heal the world,donated money to charity,and shared his restful life with us and the world

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Charity Car Auctions auctions off vehicles that have been donated by individuals. This donated money is then given over to assorted deserving charities.

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Diana was in a campaign against landmines, and donated lots of money to Charity and people with HIV/AIDS. She was also one person from the royal family that was always out helping people, never hiding behind the throne.

Can money donated to charity be claimed on a tax deduction sheet in the US?

It depends which state, what charity, time of the year, and the purpose of the charity. Most often charity money can be claimed on a tax deduction sheet in the U.S.

What is Bill Gates doing with his money?

Bill Gates has donated tons of money. When he dies he will donate most of the money to charity.