The brunette actress in the Cingular commercials is Milana Vayntrub. She began her acting career in 1995 appearing in the television show, ER.
Jamie Waterse is the girl in the education connection commercials.
A brown haired girl is referred to as a brunette.
Patricia Isaac
Kiana Bessa
Randi Hoffman.
Jillian Silcox
Her name is Rachele Brooke Smith!
I know which commercial you're talking about. There are two different scenes in the commercial, and she's the first girl that appears. In the second scene, the girl is wearing a sillly knitted cap. But, I don't know the name of the first girl, the cute brunette. Anyone have an idea?
Try this site for song commercial names and artists: Cingular has several commercials and songs out now.
Her name is Danielle Savre. Actually, the actor who plays the protective dad is Roger Bart, who played the (now deceased) pharmacist George Williams on Desperate Housewives. Look him up - even Sting doesn't look that bad.
yes there is a brunette girl named Haley. yes there is a brunette girl named Haley. yes there is and she is awesome! she is sooooo cool and fun!
* Inquiring minds want to know. * Recent Cingular, Telus and Fruit of the Loom commercials are really, really good. They peak people's interest, stay on the top of their minds and cause them to want to know more. Basically, they're effective. These are the types of commercials that get discussed at work, at parties and so on. Some have great tunes, jingles and/or attractive actors. WikiAnswers is a great place to have all your questions answered. This includes questions about commercials such as "Who sings the song 'You Can't Over Love Your Underwear' heard in the Fruit of the Loom commercial" or "Who is the girl holding the clear umbrella in the recent Cingular TV ad?"
This cute girl is named Milana Vayntrub, and she is originally from the Central European nation of Uzbekistan. She is a comedienne as well as an actress, and appeared in "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
The cast of Cute Girl Movie Review - 2013 includes: Denesa Chan as Cute Girl Olivia Chaniewski as Cute Girl Lilianna Evelyn as Cute Girl Christina Fandino as Cute Girl Christine Nitoff as Cute Girl Raina Semivan as Cute Girl Amy Wolpa as Cute Girl
The girl in current NHL commercials is Carrie Milbank.
Dunn-a-do-it Who is the girl in the Dunn Pontiac commercials?
Jennifer Lopez