Teanna Kai.
It can't be Teanna Kai, she would of only been 12 years old, plus it doesn't even look like her.
Someone mentioned Casey Derrick, whoever that is. Theres no Google results for that person.
I will figure this out !
Don't know but would like to. She is definitely Asian ...the one wearing the Stand by your Manatee shirt! She is cute.
i think so. cuz they look so cute 2gethr
no, but he does kinda talk like out of the side of his mouth, just watch a video of him talking and you will get what i mean, i like it..i think its cute
The movie Roger Rabbit is an American movie which combined live action and animation. The movie premiered in 1988. The baby which smoked a cigar was named Baby Herman. Baby Herman was voiced by two actors. April Winchell provided the cute baby voice, while Lou Hirsch provided the gruff voice for the baby.
i think he is married 'cause he has the ring on his riht hand in the official video of "cought syroup". i wish i was on his age to marry him....he's so cute! *-*
Vanilla Cotton Snow Sweetie Söpö ( Finnish for cute ) Carino ( cute in Italian ) Kawaii ( Cute in Japanese ) Yuki ( Snow in Japanese )
Kristina Lum. She was a synchronized swimmer with the US Olympic team.
in the latest video she looked pretty good she is so cute
Answer Personally I don't know if Asian guys are cute or not as I am a man, but Asian women are very cute. Cutness is all in the eyes of the beholder, so who you may find as cute, another person may find that person not so cute. You have to go on your own judgement. I guess, it is a matter of personal taste.
Yes my baby is cute
I'm pretty sure Selena was a cute baby.
go to www.asiancaucasianturf.com is a social networking site for Asian guys.
If you're cute I think your baby would be too :)
because we associate diapers with baby's and baby's are cute
Cute is an adjective. Adjectives describe nouns so we say -- cute baby, cute dress, cute haircut. The words baby dress haircut are nouns.
no it is not . but cute baby name is MANNY for a boy and SAMANTHA for a girl .
they squeal when they're happy🐖its soooooo cute!!!