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His first name is Miles and I remember him from the neighborhood (Queens, NY) but I forget his last name!

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Q: Who is the black male actor in Farmers Insurance commercials?
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The black actor in the Macy's Christmas commercial is Sean "Diddy" Combs.

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Who is the actor in the farmers insurance commercial?

J. K. Simmons has been starring in the Farmers commercials as Professor Nathaniel Burke of the University of Farmers since 2010, but he's mostly known for his roles in Law & Order, Oz, The Closer, as well as the Spider-Man trilogy.

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Who is the black actor that is the spokesman for Capital One?

Samuel L Jackson is the African American actor currently in the Capital One commercials.,

Who is the black actor in the Allstate insurance commercial?

Dennis Haysbert

Who is the black man on the sears commercial?

He is not a black actor...but an Indian actor. His name is Ajay Mehta.

Who is the black actress in Progressive Insurance commercials with the husband who loves the remote?

Her name is Sonya Maddox-Upchurch. She is also featured in commercials for the Rembrandt 2-Hour Whitening Kit and Viactive Flavor Glides.