Scarlett's Letter
The black guy who fights Liu Kang was the say guy who faught Tony Jaa in the protector if you ever seen that movie, no idea what his name is but he fights caporia if that's how it's spelled, but watch the movie and look for his name at the end,, (Correction.) That is not the same guy!
black cat end happy
Little Man
Brian Orakpo
easy...denzel Washington
there was a black guy in grease. He's at the end dancing in the final scene in the back of course.
Scarlett's Letter
Shoot the spider and not the baron (the guy in black) (Very Easy)
easy just press start button and end game
At the end of the video it shows like a skeleton guy and the screen goes black.
The black balls in the bowl where that guy look in was the berrys that are poisonous (the ones that katniss and peers try to eat at the end
a black guy and a white guy, and the asian kills them all. except for chuck norris. they all die at the end of the movie.
That your easy to Get into bed
The black guy who fights Liu Kang was the say guy who faught Tony Jaa in the protector if you ever seen that movie, no idea what his name is but he fights caporia if that's how it's spelled, but watch the movie and look for his name at the end,, (Correction.) That is not the same guy!