It looks like Melinda, the Medical Examiner from Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
Angelique Cinelu - look her up on MySpace
Not sure which girl you mean but the little girl at the end with the curly hair that says "bundling" her name is Merit Leighton
Alexandra daddario.
I have no idea but she is beautiful & hot
dianna garcia
a person
Angelique Cinelu - look her up on MySpace
Chelsea Williams
the two girls in the black ops commercial is GIRL 1 and GIRL 2.
Of course! Depending on your hair overcourse! Black girls often have curly hair so you should just get a really good hairdresser or even hire a family one.
yeah, if you use the right products x :P
Ivanka trump
Chelsea Williams.
Chelsea Williams
Chelsea Williams
Chelsea williams
Not sure which girl you mean but the little girl at the end with the curly hair that says "bundling" her name is Merit Leighton