Jennifer Garner is the spokesperson for Capital One commercials ending with the line "What's in your wallet?"
Alec Baldwin
it is when u get your wallet kitty kat
0__0 his wallet.
Holly Valance is a very well known actress and singer from Australia. She does not give out her private email address to the public.
an actress is someone that is involved in " acting " such as : Beyonce , Angelina Jolie , etc . basically someone that is involved in a movie role or an acting seen . ( if your school has a Romeo and Juliet play and they choose you to play either part you are bascially an actor * male actor * or actress * female actor * ) hope that helps ! =)
Samuel L. Jackson is the black actor who asks what's in your wallet.
whats in your wallet
try and steal a old ladys wallet when she is at kfc
whats on your mind!
He lies to her and tells her that he is not in well health.
asks him whats his gpa
When Sofia asks you to find an actress like Lacey Williams, go to the Talent Agency. The owner, it turns out, is Lacey Williams, former star actress.
When Sofia asks you to find an actress like Lacey Williams, go to the Talent Agency. The owner, it turns out, is Lacey Williams, former star actress.
Angelina Jolie would be Kevin's favourite actress.
whats current endorsement mean
you do