I would like to know the name of woman on the Vonage TV commericials wearing an orange blouse & black pants.
The name of the girl in the Verizon LG Dare commercial is not known. The commercial debuted back in 2008.
Laura Pruden, she's an actress and she's very pretty.
Haviland Morris, Jake Ryan's girlfriend in "Sixteen Candles."
Lydia Gonzalez
Yes it's her.
Yes indeed.
Haviland Morris
Sara Erikson
Linda O'Neil, she's the new poster girl for Vonage.
Laura Pruden, she's an actress and she's very pretty.
Haviland Morris she was in sixteen candles as Caroline Murphey...Jakes gf
I'll take a very likely guess at it being Hannah Fierman. The eyes, brows, hair and petite stature make me think I'm correct.
Smooth fox terrier?
Linda O'Neil http://www.lindaoneil.com/attractions/press/index.html
Haviland Morris, Jake Ryan's girlfriend in "Sixteen Candles."
drew barrymore
Lydia Gonzalez
It's Jake girlfriend from the movie Sixteen Candles.