Gemma Dyllen also known as Gemma Baker.
A UK actress. She also appears with Christina Bailey in the Muller Greek
Style Yogurt ad 2012.
what tesco advert? there are alot.
Sara mason actress
The actress is Kathy Hill, 53
keeley hazell
elisa kirkwood
what tesco advert? there are alot.
Sara mason actress
You can take the basic lemsip, but not the lemsip max as it has a decongestant in it which is not safe.
who is the girl in the allinson bread advert
Nicky Yates
The actress is Kathy Hill, 53
The actress starring in the Guerillascope TV Ad is Maria Ward
The plural of Lemsip is Lemsips. As in "I took some Lemsips for my sore throat".
who is the actress in the ad
my nanny
Natasha Barrero