His name is Adam twiss. He is not from NY & did not do a Webmd comercial.
W.B Mason is an office supply company that is headquartered in Massachusetts. The actor that appears in all of the commercials is named Adam Twiss.
Allen Lulu
The actor's name is Patrick Welsh. He's done many commercials including the dad in the Cheerios spot w/ the young boy bringing his dad a bowl of cereal early in the morning "to get the cholesterol off of you"... Remember the Tic-Tac ad w/ the two guys checking their breath before the job interview? He was one of those guys...He's done a ton of commercials, though. Secret Agent Man is one of the coolest. He's done alot of stage as well as TV episodics like Spin City and Law and Order also.
Christopher Walken
Her name is Zonja W
B. W. Stevenson was born on October 5, 1949.
William Betts Mason
Allen Lulu
W. A. Mason House was created in 1846.
Marshall W. Mason was born in 1940.
George W. Mason was born on March 12, 1891.
George W. Mason was born on March 12, 1891.
William W. Mason has written: 'Eagle down'
A. E. W. Mason was born on 1865-05-07.
George W. Mason died on 1954-10-09.
A. E. W. Mason died on 1948-11-22.
George W. Mason was born in Valley City, North Dakota.
Jerald W. Mason has written: 'Financial Fitness for Life'