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I've been wondering that too, and I think I've found the actor... saw him (much younger, mind you) in Highlander: End Game today: Bruce Payne.

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Q: Who is the actor in the Lexus commercial this thinks this is a perfect moment then ruins it by thinking of dinner?
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Where can you download the Lexus commercial where the guy driving ruins his perfect moment by wondering what's for dinner?

check the bittorrents for it.

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The cast of Perfect Moment - 1997 includes: Vincent Gallo as himself

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dont wait for the perfect moment take the moment and make it perfect

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The Perfect Moment - 2002 was released on: USA: 23 September 2002 (Emerson Film Festival)

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Perfect moment - L'aventure continue - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:o.Al.

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Most likely not. You could be thinking of anyone at any given moment. Most likely they won't be thinking of you.

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Daniel Lee Kendall sings "Lost in the Moment" in the Zales Christmas commercial.

Who is the announcer in the Lexus 'Moment' commercial?

The Lexus commercial announcer in the past commercials made movies. Is that correct?

What are the exact words of the poem in the Toyota-Lexus commercial that has the word moment?

I was also looking for the words to this poem, After some hunting around I found a website that has the commercial posted. The poem was written by Glen Hunt, who also wrote the "rant" from the Molson Canadian beer commercial. Thank you very much hop! =D I had seen this commercial and forgot to check it out again and now I just saw it and searched for it... This was the first result!! =D Moments A Moment If You Please Moments Can Be Short Moments Can Be Long There Are Moments Of Joy Moments Of Sorrow Moments Of Passion Moments You'll Never Forget Moments Youve Already Forgotten Moments You Didn't Get There Are Awkward Moments Senior Moments Moments Of Truth And Momentary Lapses In Judgment People Who Ask For A Moment Share A Moment I Need A Moment You Got A Moment? Wait A Moment You Can Take A Moment Make A Moment Spoil A Moment And If All The Stars Line In The Right Moment, That Moment Can Be Perfect Moments Can Define You Moments Can Delight You And Moments Can Change Your Life Heres To The Moment And Squeezing All You Can Out Of Every Last Single One Of Them no doubt it's the best ad i have ever seen. Love the momentpoem Toyota-Lexus commercial! Great commercial! Thanks!! Great "Moment" poem! Great ad Toyota-Lexus! Way to go! just a great advert, quality poem. this commercial gave me goosebumps. The poem, and the commercial, was amazing. does any one know where i can download this ad???? its soo good ok never mind i figured it out. If anyone else wants it this is how to get it - 1. Enter this into the browser : That will be the video alone without the site and all. 2. Now click File> Save Page As This will bring up where you want to download it and all. Find where you want to download it but make sure the file extention is .mov 3. Click save and the download will begin. Just a small revision from the answer above A Moment If You Please Moments Can Be Short Moments Can Be Long There Are Moments Of Joy Moments Of Sorrow Moments Of Passion Moments You'll Never Forget Moments Youve Already Forgotten Moments You Didn't Get There Are Awkward Moments Senior Moments Moments Of Truth And Momentary Lapses In Judgment People Who Ask For A Moment Share A Moment I Need A Moment You Got A Moment? Hey, Wait A Moment You Can Take A Moment Make A Moment Spoil A Moment And If All The Stars Line In Just The Right Moment, That Moment Can Be Perfect Moments Can Define You Moments Can Delight You And Moments Can Change Your Life Heres To The Moment And Squeezing All You Can Out Of Every Last Single One Of Them Pursue The Moment Lexus The Pursuit Of Perfection does anyone know the guitar tabs for this commercial?