K.K. and Sonu both are brilliant singers. There is no comparison between the two. They both have sung a huge number of songs.
kks full name is Krishna Kumar Kunnathto know more about him and to interact with other die hard kk fans across the globevisit the first ever fansite of kk www.themesmerizer.com
You can contact a singer by there fan email address or by there fan numbers. when you dial the number they will not pick up but you can leave a message and if your lucky they might listen to it!
Kim Kardashian Kevin Kline
NO its emmett! not emmet 2 t's kk!
kks full name is Krishna Kumar Kunnathto know more about him and to interact with other die hard kk fans across the globevisit the first ever fansite of kk www.themesmerizer.com
It's INDIA.. KK (Krishnakumar Kunnath) Indian origin Singer has his intials same.
girl i was wonderimg the same thing but i was when you find out tell mehh lol kk kk kk bye
Read KK ANAND SOn Of a ----- book
its just an opinion but best fit is probably KK Rock
You can contact a singer by there fan email address or by there fan numbers. when you dial the number they will not pick up but you can leave a message and if your lucky they might listen to it!
kartik kumar kk modi was the actor nominated for best work
Its Krishnakumar Kunnath (K.K.)....great singer who sung a lot of immensely popular songs. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=+singer+KK&btnG=Search&meta=
It goes- okay=ok=k=kk get it it means Ok. kk?
The first Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1865, was estimated to have around 550,000 members at its peak.
Norrköpings KK was created in 1919.