Goku will win because when goku Turn SS1 naruto would not stand a chance nor ichigo, but ichigo might hold up but naruto will get Destryoed to a pulp ichigo will turn a hollow and goku will trin ss2 if thats not enough he will turn ss3 then ss4 then fuse with vegta to make gogeta then Big bang kamaha x100 and blow up the world thwe final tuengs will not stand a chance against it goku will win
Super saiyan really isn't needed To put how much energy he holds in perspective all a person needs is to have a power level of 139 to destroy a moon, a moon is as big as Australia (a country), and the power level of the average human is 5. In 23rd budokai goku's power level was read as 350 and by saiyan saga a bit over 9000.... yeah that is a lot of country exploding attacks.(now keep in mind I'm focusing on power levels regarding ki at this point even though an increasing power level affects all stats and not just energy or strength) To destroy, burst, glass, or leave barren a planet or however you want to explain it you'd have to have a power level of 18,000, goku in saiyan saga after going through a kaioken x3 has a power level over 25,000, and goku's last recorded power level was 150,000,000 and got even stronger as the anime went on.....that is a LOT of planet destroying attacks (keep in mind these numbers also include speed, strength, durability, ETC). In comparison Naruto has JUST NOW reached the ability to bust small-mid sized mountins, depending on how you want to look at it canonically he would still be weaker than Old man roshi who destroyed the moon, in this sense bijuu also look just as pathetic as naruto not because they are weak but because they don't rank well. If I have to give a limit to where power levels would stop in naruto universe I'd say 300 with naruto bijuu mode being a solid 100.
To end it all,naruto universe should not be compared to powers on the scale of DBZ, trying to compare them is full on an act of bias containing no common sense and wild imagination.
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this shows where bleach and naruto copy dbz in many ways : goku would win why?
because first of all these new anime's copy mostly everything from DBZ first naruto the creator stated that DBZ was his motivation for naruto and that he respect akira and state him as his role model he even try to bring back dbz but fail to so he decide to make a character in goku likeness and that bring forth the naruto that loves to eat never gives up wheres orange and blue have more strength then normal shonobi and loves to laugh etc if u get where i coming from its like a ninja naruto now ever sense dbz came out with the ki u notice alot of animes bringing out this chakra reatsu etc mostly copy en DBZ WITH KI 2nd even the head captain yamato copy dbz with master roshi if u notice they look similar and all both can become big with muscle when they want to but the differences bettwin sons and father is this....
this shows why goku will allways be the daddy of the 2
1 because goku power level is on a hold new level of bleach and naruto first goku frm birth had a the ability to blow up a hold planet naruto couldn't even think of that nether could ichigo 2nd goku reach levels that not even the kais that pose to watch over the universe cant stop his ss1 state spirit bomb can blow up a hold galaxy much less if he go ssj4 and they never said what level ssj end to so who nows how much more power he can accomplish 3rd he can teleport faster then any thing he teleport billions of Galaxy away frm earth to a 2nd planet vegeta in a few seconds and yes its a form of speed cus the showed him running he took blasts and attack head on that can destroy a planet 10 times his villains were more powerful then any anime made his power had no end so goku is by far the most powerful anime character i could go o for years sayen why
goku would win d}'\\]]\]{"}|-.0polk
Ichigo has the hollow, but Naruto has the nine tailed fox. If it came to who was stronger it would be Ichigo because he has Zangetsu and his inner hollow ( Hollow Ichigo ). ///(Actually Naruto is stronger then Ichigo because Ichigo in his bankai is stronger then Naruto and would probably force Naruto to activate his 2 tail while Ichigo might fight him with his Hallow mask but it would not be enough because some time he get exhausted and the nine-tail Naruto would continue insulting him. But Ichigo will transform into his true hollow when he down continuing to fight and they be equal but Ichigo would be winning just a little. Naruto would go 4-tails and ended full Hollow Ichigo. The point is Naruto have more advantage because Naruto has more transformation then Ichigo making Naruto gaining more power each time Ichigo get stronger until he cant go no more so this fight would be base of power, and trans. Ichigo have limit and he still human and the nine tail really dont have a limit. Ichigo is strong but Naruto take over with more transformation. That why Naruto is stronger then Ichigo. sorry Ichigo)
Aokiji soundly defeated Luffy in their first encounter. Luffy had no way around Aokiji's logia-type powers. Now Luffy's trained his haki skills, he can at least hit him, and it would be interesting to see how the heat generated from Gear Second may work against Aokiji's frozen attacks. However now Aokiji has resigned from the marines, there doesn't really seem a reason for them to fight.
"naruto easily" no. Naruto is a barely hypersonic mountainbuster. goku is a massively hypersonic large planetbuster. how can Naruto win this?
ha! naruto
For now there is. Sasuke, Ichigo, Luffy, and all Goku.
kid goku
Goku is massivly stronger than naruto. He blows up planets.
Goku. Obviuosly. He is a massively hypersonic planetbuster.
naruto is stronger even as kid This is a lie Goku got shot in the head at 6 yrs old and killed a 10 feet fish too there is no way naruto can do that
goku would win d}'\\]]\]{"}|-.0polk
Ichigo has the hollow, but Naruto has the nine tailed fox. If it came to who was stronger it would be Ichigo because he has Zangetsu and his inner hollow ( Hollow Ichigo ). ///(Actually Naruto is stronger then Ichigo because Ichigo in his bankai is stronger then Naruto and would probably force Naruto to activate his 2 tail while Ichigo might fight him with his Hallow mask but it would not be enough because some time he get exhausted and the nine-tail Naruto would continue insulting him. But Ichigo will transform into his true hollow when he down continuing to fight and they be equal but Ichigo would be winning just a little. Naruto would go 4-tails and ended full Hollow Ichigo. The point is Naruto have more advantage because Naruto has more transformation then Ichigo making Naruto gaining more power each time Ichigo get stronger until he cant go no more so this fight would be base of power, and trans. Ichigo have limit and he still human and the nine tail really dont have a limit. Ichigo is strong but Naruto take over with more transformation. That why Naruto is stronger then Ichigo. sorry Ichigo)
Depends on which Goku and which Ichigo since there are many characters with that name. However, if we are talking about the shonen versions, kid goku is enough to beat ichigo.
Goku. He destroys planets.
Aokiji soundly defeated Luffy in their first encounter. Luffy had no way around Aokiji's logia-type powers. Now Luffy's trained his haki skills, he can at least hit him, and it would be interesting to see how the heat generated from Gear Second may work against Aokiji's frozen attacks. However now Aokiji has resigned from the marines, there doesn't really seem a reason for them to fight.
Since they belong to different series we will never know
Yes! Goku know Naruto.