The Legend, The lord of darkness, the American badass, The phenom, The Dead-man........ The Undertaker!
Big Bossman did not die as a result of the WrestleMania XV "stunt", he still wrestled for WWE until May 2002 when he was moved to OVW to become a trainer. Bossman died in September 2004.
Backlash is the pay-per-view that comes after Wrestlemania.
WrestleMania has never been in Denver, Co.
Well not WRESTLEMANIA 22,but WRESTLEMANIA 23..he drove a Mustang and hit the wrestelmania glass
There have been many rumors that he will wrestle Shawn Micheals. That would be one match to watch. Mr Wrestlemania vs The underfeated at Wrestlemania!
No. He lost. The undertaker is still undefeated at wrestlemania
No he retired after wrestlemania 26
Yes, there are multiple; Legends of Wrestlemania, WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game, Road to Wrestlemania, Road to Wrestlemania X8, Super WrestleMania, WWF WrestleMania 2000, WWE WrestleMania X8, WWE Wrestlemania XIX, WWF WrestleMania, and WWE WrestleMania 21.
no, in fact they were underfeated these year
Yes, he will turn face after his match with Mickey Rourke at WrestleMania 25th Anniversity. Remember at WrestleMania XXIV. When Big Show lost to Floyd Mayweather, Big Show Became Face after the match! Wrong wrestlemania is over and he is still a heel and now on smackdown and big show was a face at wrestlemania xxiv after that wrestlemania he became a heel
After he beated Triple H, there are 19.1991 WrestleMania VII: Jimmy Snuka1992 WrestleMania VIII: Jake Roberts1993 WrestleMania IX: Giant González1995 WrestleMania XI: King Kong Bundy1996 WrestleMania XII: Diesel1997 WrestleMania XIII: Sycho Sid1998 WrestleMania XIV: Kane1999 WrestleMania XV: The Big Boss Man2001 WrestleMania XVII: Triple H2002 WrestleMania XVIII: Ric Flair2003 WrestleMania XIX: The Big Show and A-Train2004 WrestleMania XX: Kane2005 WrestleMania XXI: Randy Orton2006 WrestleMania XXII: Mark Henry2007 WrestleMania XXIII: Batista2008 WrestleMania XXIV: Edge2009 WrestleMania XXV: Shawn Michaels2010 WrestleMania XXVI: Shawn Michaels2011 WrestleMania XXVII: Triple H
yes john cena is the still wwe champion because he beat batista at wrestlemania 26
Wrestlemania 26
Wrestlemania 20: The Big Show Wrestlemania 21:John Bradshaw Layfield Wrestlemania 22:Triple H Wrestlemania 23:Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania 24:Randy Orton and Triple H Wrestlemania 25:Edge and The Big Show Wrestlemania 26:Batista
Bret is scheduled to wrestle Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26.
Yes. he made his return before Wrestlemania 27 to face the Undertaker.