Rihanna was dating Chris Brown but now she is dating Aubrey Graham from Degrassi
yeah he's dating danyelle Cyrus
No they are not.
Robyn Rihanna Fenty
well no,he is dating kayleen valentin. most people say he is with riahnna.....not those people think so its not real. if you believe and want proof find it on chris browns sight.
he is with riahnna recording a new song
he attacked Riahnna, that is all I'm saying.....................
Be cause riahnna uses it to crack someone in the head
She was 11, But she not had the right people to sing this shong.
yes rihannah likes chris brown they go out
yes i believe they are..they were seen at the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS toghter as a couple!
No they are not getting married. There was one reporter that asked when they were suppose to tie the knot anytime soon..Chris Brown said NO..!!
No but she can't sing live anyway. Coldplay use a video recording of her for princess of china just as they did for jay z in lost+