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the head goldsmith

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Does wreck have a short e sound?

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Pinorecchi is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "pine ears."Specifically, the masculine noun pino means "pine." The masculine noun orecchi means "ears." The pronunciation is "PEE-noh-REHK-kee."

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"The principal of your school" or much more informally "Your school('s) principal" may be English equivalents of "El director de tu escuela."Specifically, the masculine singular definite article "el" means "the." The masculine noun "director" means "principal." The preposition "de" means "of." The feminine/masculine possessive adjective "tu" means "your." The feminine noun "escuela" means "school."The pronunciation is "ehl DEE-rehk-TOHR deh too eh-SKWEH-lah."

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What is the Spanish 'Cรณmo es el director de tu escuela' in English?

"What is your school('s) principal like?" is an English equivalent of "¿Cómo es el director de tu escuela?"Specifically, the interrogative "¿Cómo" means "how, what?" The verb "es" means "(He/She/It) is, (You) are." The masculine singular definite article "el" means "the." The masculine noun "director" means "principal." The preposition "de" means "of." The feminine/masculine possessive adjective "tu" means "your." The feminine noun "escuela" means "school."The pronunciation is "KOH-moh eh-sehl DEE-rehk-TOHR theh too eh-SKWEH-lah."

What is the French 'la mode recto verso' in English?

La Mode Recto VersoIt means 'the two sides of the sheet'. The double sided style [of printing] is one English equivalent of 'la mode recto verso'. The phrase in French is pronounced 'lah mohd rehk-toh vehr-soh'.The feminine definite article 'la' means 'the'. The feminine gender noun 'mode' means 'trend, style, fashion'. The masculine noun 'recto' means 'front side'. The masculine noun 'verso' means 'back side'.There is a viral video going around with the French phrase "la mode recto verso" in it. Although recto verso refers to a type of printing, in the case of the video, it means skidmark, slang for the mess left in your pants when you don't wipe well after a bowel movement.