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Older in years he's been "alive" and older in the age he was turned: 18

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Jasper Hale who was born in 1843 as opposed to Edward Cullen who was born in 1901.

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Q: Who is older Edward Cullen or Jasper Hale?
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In twilight is this the right order Jasper hale Emmett Cullen Rosalie hale Alice Cullen then Edward Cullen?

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Is Jasper hale the oldest out of his siblings?

No, Edward Cullen is.

What is Edward Cullen's siblings?

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Is jasper hale older or younger then Emmett Cullen in the saga of twilight?

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In twilight who is oldest out of Emmett jasper Alice Rosalie Edward Cullen hale?

Edward Cullen is the oldest of them all he was born in 1901

What is all the Cullen familir last name?

When they are in Forks, they are: -Carlisle Cullen -Esme Cullen -Edward Cullen -Emmett Cullen -Alice Cullen -Jasper Hale -Rosalie Hale But technically they are: -Carlisle Cullen -Esme Cullen -Edward Masen -Emmett Cullen (It doesn't say his human last name at any point in the books) -Mary Alice Brandon (Alice) -Jasper Whitlock -Rosalie Hale

What is emmetts last name in the movie?

Emmet Cullen, there's also Rosalie and Jasper Hale and Edward,Alice,Esme, and Carlisle Cullen Emmett McCarthy Cullen, There's also Rosalie Lillian Hale, Jasper Whitlock Hale, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, Alice Brandon Cullen, Esme Cullen and Carlisle Cullen

Is Jasper hale older then Emmett Cullen?

Yes, Jasper was created when he was 20 in the late 1800's.