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Hi Es Da leder op da istori da mats...

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Q: Who is mr angeles in the story the mats?
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What is the occupation of Mr. Angeles from the mats?

Mr. Angeles is a math teacher.

What did Mr Angeles bring home for the family?

the mats

How did Mr. Angeles remember his dead children in the story of the mats?

Mr. Angeles remembered his dead children by weaving their memories into the mats that he made. Each mat he created represented a different aspect of his children's lives and personalities, serving as a way for him to keep their memory alive. Through this act of creation and remembrance, Mr. Angeles found solace and a sense of connection to his lost loved ones.

What made the mats that Mr Angeles brought home for the family special and unique in the book The mats by Francisco Arcellana?

saip aragon

Can you Give 5 examples of s-tv-do?

1.Mr. Angeles return signals a celebration for his family. 2.Nana Emilia still keeps her mother old mat. 3.Mr. Angeles gave their dead children new mats,too. 4.Mr. Angeles' cry doused the excitement over the new mats.

Who is the Best Character in the short story The Mats by Francisco Arcellana and can you Describe him or her?

"The Mats" is a short story by Francisco Arcellana. Many say that the best character in the story is Mr. Jaime Angeles. He is a kind-hearted, affectionate and sensitive man who always thinks of his wife and children, even the children who have passed away. He is a very likable character.

Can you Give 5 examples of s-tv--do pattern?

1.Mr. Angeles return signals a celebration for his family. 2.Nana Emilia still keeps her mother old mat. 3.Mr. Angeles gave their dead children new mats,too. 4.Mr. Angeles' cry doused the excitement over the new mats.

What present did Mr Angeles bring home for the family?

Mr. Angeles is a character in the book, "The Mats" by Francisco Arcellana. Besides bringing home a large amount of fruit, Mr. Angeles brings home sleeping mats as presents for his family. The sleeping mats were created by an artist and had the name each child that the mat belonged to. Also, each sleeping mat had special symbol that related to each child's life.

What present did angeles bring home for the family?

Mr. Angeles is a character in the book, "The Mats" by Francisco Arcellana. Besides bringing home a large amount of fruit, Mr. Angeles brings home sleeping mats as presents for his family. The sleeping mats were created by an artist and had the name each child that the mat belonged to. Also, each sleeping mat had special symbol that related to each child's life.

What is the problem in the story the mats?

The theme of The Mats covers family and Filipino values. The closeness of family has always been a major Filipino value - respect for the elders and parents, the stability of parents' marriage, equality of siblings, so on and so forth.The Mats dissects these when it paints a picture of the relationships of the various members of the family. When (spoiler alert!) Mr. Angeles brings out mats even for his children who are no longer with them, it shows that the love between members of a Filipino family transcends even death.The mats were the ideal archetype to use here because they are carefully handcrafted and woven, the threads and strips tied tightly together. A Filipino family is like a mat or banig, with its members bound tightly together too.

What is the plot summary of The Mats by Francisco Arcellana?

Arcellano was accurate when he wrote about the mats with a two-prong points conveyed: First, the Filipinos have strong family ties and second, the mats have bonded that tie till death as in the case of the Arcellana family. Mr. Angeles travelled to southern Philippines and bought mats for his wife and children. Each mat has the corresponding name of all his living offspring, even those who already died. When he arrived home from his trip, he presented the mats to his family. As he unfolds one mat after another, he narrated the emotions, longings and beautiful memories they have had as a family. The sorrow heightened when the last two mats he opened are for his dead children which made his wife reacted with grief, and told Mr.Angeles that there is no need for him to open those mats for the two were already dead. At that point, Mr. Angeles cried with pain while telling his wife that his children must always be in their memory no matter where they are now. A very sentimental write. Arcellana's story would indeed capture the Filipino readers by heart for his brilliant display of emotions by using only one symbolism-THE MAT.

What is the summary of the story the mats by francisco arcellana?

why the title is te mats