yes optimus prime would always beat him optimus prime is the chosen one I think the question should not be who is better but more how are they different. Both Primes embody leadership, bravery and strength. Yet they are completely different characters with different personalities. Optimus, being the original Autobot leader contains the classic heroic and compassionate characteristics of an Autobot leader and commands the Autobot army with an authoritative yet respectful demeanor. Whereas Rodimus, previously "hot rod," tends to speculate more on his irrational decisions and tends to act before he thinks. This places him in a tough spot because the Autobots look up to him as a leader yet he looked up to Optimus so much that it makes him second guess himself which in turn makes him look weak, giving the impression that Optimus could be seen as , "better." When in reality, Rodimus struggles with the fact that he might never live up to the Prime that Optimus was. What Rodimus needs to realize is that he is not Optimus Prime, and never will be, but like Optimus he is now a leader and needs to act like one.
Michael Bay stated Optimus stands 28 feet, but in an interview, ILM's Scott Farrar stated "The movie's Optimus Prime is 32 feet tall and made of 10,108 parts - and every single one had to be modeled and painted when they came within camera range. This puts him on the same height as the movie's Starscream and 2 to 4 feet smaller than Megatron as well in the film. No Optimus is 36 feet tall in the movie
Adele is more famous
Optimus Prime will be killed by Megatron, And Sam Witicky will revive him, by using his last remaining energon source on Earth... Jetfire rips out his own spark, committing suicide to give his parts to Optimus Prime to fight the Fallen.And to get him back in shape because he got stabbed and when he revived him he still has himself stabbed. HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jetfire doesn't rip out his own spark! He sacrifices it to save Earth. They combine sort of like they do in Armada and Energon. Also, the Fallen dies. Oh, and good old O.P. is revived by the matrix, not Energon.
Eminem is way more famous
optimus prime
Optimus Prime
optimus prime. better leader and better known. there were many cartoon transformer's and optimus prime was the star of the show every time.
lady gaga
This depends on who you ask. Som epeople my not know Who Optimus Prime is and the same goes for Yoda. It is basically imposible to answer this question
Optimus is more famous than Captain jean luc picard because Optimus has the young audiences as well as the older audiences. Poor Picard just has the older folks.
Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
That depend on who you are asking. Some poeple don't now who Shrek is and the same goes for Optimus. It is basically imposible to give a definate answer to this question.
Clearly Optimus Prime because he has way more advanced technology. Optimus Prime will make Iron Man look primitive.
Obi-Wan Kenobi