the answer is................. Mickey Mouse because he has been around longer
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is the most widely recognized figure in the world. In other words: The Beatles may be "more famous than Jesus," but NOBODY is more famous than Mickey Mouse.
Probably more people will recognize Mickey Mouse.
Donald duck is more popular than ronald McDonald because Donald has been around longer and is more famous he is also shown on some children's shows such as Mickey mouse clubhouse on Disney jr:
Eminem is way more famous
Mickey Mouse.
Mickey mouse.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey mouse
mickey mouse
mickey mouse
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is more famous than Britney Spears.
Mickey Mouse is the most widely recognized figure in the world. In other words: The Beatles may be "more famous than Jesus," but NOBODY is more famous than Mickey Mouse.
Probably more people will recognize Mickey Mouse.
mickey mouse of course it existed longer