finn-13 princess bubbllegum-18 flame princess-14 marceline-1000+ jake-28(may or maynot be in dog years) ice king-1000+ lumpy space princess-15 rest of the characters i could not find there ages
Sonia Iris Lozada's birth name is Sonia Iris Lozada.
Sharmel Iris died in 1967.
Iris Bebensee is 167 cm.
Iris Born was born in 1954.
Iris Johansen is an author who is famous for her Eve Duncan character.
Belgian Princess, Chinook Winds, Hold My Hand, Hollywood Nights, and Sharp Dressed Man are the names of fragrant bearded iris.
jodie foster in the movie taxi driver was a 12 year old prostitute
Iris from "Taxi Driver"
Four people are killed in the film titled Taxi Driver. They are the pimp Sport; the time keeper for Iris the prostitute; Iris's Mafioso customer; and the grocery store robber.
Great info here;
In "Taxi Driver," Jodie Foster's character, Iris, called Harvey Keitel's character, Sport, "Matthew."
Yes he does. Her name is Iris who is a princess, but she doesn't appear in Yu-Gi-Oh because she was in the afterlife with Atem when he returns to where he belongs.
There are bearded iris, water iris, dwarf iris, Louisiana iris, and siberian iris. There is also blackberry iris.
Iris - Iris album - was created in 1984.
There are over 200 species of iris including Japanese iris, Siberian iris, German iris, Louisiana iris, and water iris.
Iris to Iris is a Christian rock CD by Building 429. It came our in 2007.