He is a kid named Bradley Mingle. He doesn't appear much in the episodes he is more of a background character. He first appeared in Rainforest Schmainforest as part of the Getting gay with kids choir.
Taylor's favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Loren M. Berry died in 1980.
Berry Oakley's birth name is Raymond Berry Oakley III.
Its Art Berry
Yes. RedFoo's dad is Berry Gordy -- Berry is also SkyBlu's grandfather [Redfoo is SkyBlu's uncle].
No, it's a fictional super hero on the show "South Park".
mint berry crunch is Bradley Biggle (voiced by Matt Stone) he is a background character who speaks occasionally, making his first real appearance in the "Coon and Friends" story as Mint-Berry Crunch. He plays a fair sized role in the group, fighting alongside Coon and Friends as well as against the Coon himself. In the episode 'Coon Vs Coon and friends' Bradley is revealed to have super powers of mintyness and berryness coming together with an awesome crunch, his super powers help him defeat Cthulhu and save his friends. He is also revealed as the younger adopted brother of Goth kid Henrietta Biggle ( the girl)
Captain crunch has flavor has a mixture of brown sugar and cane sugar.Captain crunch is a sort of fruity flavor. It is a mix of berry flavors.
no it can get sick or die.
got my berry got my cherry got my biscit got my crunch .......
Cartman is the Coon, Stan is Toolshed, Kyle is the Human Kite, Kenny is Mysterion, Token Black is Tupperware, Bradley is Mint Berry Crunch, Timmy is Iron Maiden, Clyde is Mosquito and Butters is Chaos or Dr. Chaos or something like that. I think that's all of them
i got my berry got my cherry got my biscuit got my crunch do do do do do do do do do doo do do doo i got my bluberries!!!!!
Iron Tail Secret Power Dig Crunch Maybe add a Citrus Berry too Hyper Beam?
yes in the coon and friends i do not feel like naming them.... ok i will it is (i suck at spelling) kenny=mesterion timmy=iron madian stan=tool shed kyle=human kite token=tuperware bradly(he is a backround charactor in most eposodes)=mint berry crunch eric= The Coon clyde=mespuito
you can buy it at target, cvs, walmart,ect... basically any store that sells multiple chewing gum.
It was a Lees mint honeycomb crunch. In a clear plastic package, when you bit into it it was like a crunchier but a bit softer and lighter. They were tummy.
Crunch does not have a plural, but "crunch" is the proper conjugation of it for a plural noun.She crunches.They crunch.