i think madoka future husband is keven you know ben 10 keven thats what iam thinking
Nice ones I love harry styles he is me future husband
Sakura Haruno's father has never been revealed in the Naruto anime or manga.
he just turned 13 on April 5. he was born April 5 1997. my friend would die to kno him!!!! she is in love with him!!!!!!!!!she says that is her future husband!!!!!!!!!!!
everybody hates chris, malcom in the middle, home imprivement, back to the future. i have the same question in my lit book as well.
there r millions of fans more then edward because edward is uglyy as hack n jacob is so cute n my future husband :) i love jacob :) <3
I'm sorry, future husband of whom?
Future Husband was created on 2010-03-11.
Kevin Jonas is not your future husband because he is already MARRIED...........:(
The person you eventually marry is your future husband, before you are legally wed.
my future husband
You future husband will be Justin Bieber, you will have two kids and will be in happy love until the day you die. Your the lucky one.
Te amo, marite future.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - 1983 The Once and Future Duke 1-58 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
Nick Jonas!