Elizabeth ''Lizzi'' Sherman Cameron, (born Nov 10, 1860 Cleveland Ohio and died 1944, Dorset England), was the second wife of J. Donald Cameron, Mother to Martha Cameron Lindsay and Mother-in Law to Sir Ronald Lindsay.
Lizzi Lykke was born on November 10, 1941, in Denmark.
Matthew Sherman died in 1898.
Sherman Augustus is 6' 1".
Sherman Kunkel's birth name is Kunkel, Sherman Lebrun.
Patsy O'Connell Sherman died in 2008.
Lizzi Waldmüller died in 1945.
Lizzi Waldmüller was born in 1904.
Fernando Lizzi died on 2003-08-28.
Fernando Lizzi was born on 1914-01-02.
Lizzi Natzler was born on July 7, 1909.
Lizzi Weischenfeldt was born on November 15, 1938, in Denmark.
Lizzi Holzschuh died on July 23, 1979, in Vienna, Austria of natural cause.
Lizzi Holzschuh was born on January 3, 1908, in Vienna, Austria-Hungary (now Austria).
Lizzi Lykke was born on November 10, 1941, in Denmark.
Lizzi is a name. It can also be spelled Lizzie and is often a nickename of people called Linzi or Lindsey or, most commonly, Elizabeth. A tin Lizzie is a car.
Lizzy Stein died on June 4, 1989, in Helsingborg, Skne ln, Sweden.
the song edward sung by himself