Linda Copling-Holliday is the wife of actor Kene Holliday who is best known for his work as Tyler Hudson on the TV Series Matlock.
Linda Galloway's birth name is Linda Robinson.
Linda Claridge
Linda Lee Bukowski's birth name is Linda Lee Beighle.
Linda Nicholson is 5' 9".
The duration of Linda Linda Linda is 1.9 hours.
Linda Linda Linda was created on 2005-07-23.
Linda Linda was created on 1987-05-01.
Linda is Linda in Finnish.
There are four different ways to spell "Linda": Linda, Lynda, Lenda, and LInda.
Translation of "of Linda": De Linda
I don't believe there is a portuguese version of the name linda, but "linda" in portuguese means pretty. Linda/lindo = pretty fem/masculine. "Que linda!" = How pretty!
'mamacita linda' = 'pretty mummy' or, if 'Linda' is a name, 'mummy Linda'
Linda Spilker's birth name is Linda Joyce Bies.
Linda Olszewski goes by Linda O.
Linda Reid goes by Yoli, and Linda.
In Welsh, the name "Linda" is spelled as "Llinda."