It is not known where Lil Reema is. Lil Reema is a rapper and has a song entitled, Gettin it In.
Reema Alhabeeb is 5' 2".
She's Canadian but she was born in khartoum Sudan.
no lil Wayne and lil chuckee are
Lil wa means lil wanye
Lil Wayne - Fireman we be steady mobbin - lil Wayne ft gucci mane Wayne on me- Lil Wayne Swag Surf- Lil Wayne Single- Lil Wayne Banned from T.V.- Lil Wayne I got no ceilings- Lil Wayne D.O.A.- Lil Wayne Wasted- Lil Wayne
Reema's birth name is Reema Khan.
Reema is 5' 6".
Reema Alhabeeb is 5' 2".
Reema Chanco was born on February 17, 1977, in Manila, Philippines.
Reema Malhotra was born in 1980.
Reema Lagoo was born in 1958.
Reema Khan was born in 1971.
Reema Abdo was born in 1963.
Reema Kagti was born in 1972.
Reema was born on October 27, 1971.
Reema Samaha died in 2007.
Reema Debnath goes by Malikaa.