I'm sorry, without more context or information, I cannot provide a definitive answer to whether Lexi Carrington is dead. It is important to verify information from credible sources such as news outlets or official statements. If you have specific details or a background on Lexi Carrington, I can help you analyze the information further.
November 9, 1962 is her birthday
The address of the Carrington City Library is: 87 8Th Ave N, Carrington, 58421 2017
Nathan Carrington goes by Carrington.
Lexi Wolfe goes by Lexi.
Lexi Graboski goes by Lexi.
t.a carrington
Jack Carrington's birth name is John Carrington.
Arthur Carrington died on November 14, 2012, in USA.
Chuck Carrington's birth name is Charles Langhorne Carrington.
Carrington Rowe's birth name is Carrington Lauren Rowe.
Dan Carrington's birth name is Daniel P. Carrington.