Gareth Keenan was created in 2001.
Maynard James Keenan is an only child.
the birth name of Maynard James Keenan is James Herbert Keenan. He adopted the name Maynard on a whim while serving in the army.
Keenan Johnston is 5' 10 1/2".
Maynard James Keenan was born on April 17, 1964, making him 43 years old (as of 2007.)See Related LinksSee the Related Link for " Maynard Keenan" to the bottom for the answer.
Keenan Henson's birth name is Keenan Lee Henson.
Keenan McCardell's birth name is Keenan Wayne Mccardell.
Keenan Vinnedge is 6' 1".
Keenan Browder's birth name is Keenan David Singleton Browder.
Ted Keenan's birth name is Edward C. Keenan Jr..
Keenan Culler is 6'.
Gareth Keenan was created in 2001.
Norman Keenan died in 1980.
Norman Keenan was born in 1916.
Derek Keenan was born in 1961.
Jeremy Keenan was born in 1945.