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She appears to be a random, half way attractive PR female with a decent body and a really bad shawl

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Q: Who is judy contreras in the vonage commercial?
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What kind of shawl is Judy Contreras wearing in the vonage commercial?

OUT of Date aka thrift store reject pile. Its so bad, the thrift store would not take it to sell

What is judy contreras saying about a fernid in the vonage commercial?

Judy Compress says "the big turkey and the big feblini". What the heck is a feblini? And what the heck does it have to do with Thanksgiving? Vonage should use fake actors that at least can speak clear English. The word is "Pernil", it's Roast Pork. It is English, the only word in Spanish is "Pernil'. It's how Puerto Ricans celebrate Thanksgiving. Turkey for the traditional American feast and Pernil is a traditional Puerto Rican celebratory meal. Why is she speaking Spanish in the first place? Isn't she speaking to an audience in the USA?

Who is the current spokesperson on the Vonage commercial?

Timothy Martin

Is Haviland Morris in a vonage commercial?

Yes it's her.

Who is the actress driving the red Corvette in the Vonage commercial?

Linda O'Neil, she's the new poster girl for Vonage.

Who is the acress in the Vonage commercial with the masked thiefs?

Haviland Morris she was in sixteen candles as Caroline Murphey...Jakes gf

Who is actress in vonage don't get bundled commercial?

Haviland Morris

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Who is the blonde in the vonage commercial with the new neighbors and the puppy?

Sara Erikson

Who is Laura p on vonage commercial?

She is Laura Pruden. Check her out on IMDB.

Who is red haired girl in vonage bundle commercial?

Haviland Morris

Is the lady on the Vonage commercial Jake's girlfriend from 16 candles?

Yes indeed.