No. Huntington, WV was named after Collis P. Huntington, the owner of Huntington's Landing, and the founder of the city.
In Huntington, West Virginia In Huntington, West Virginia In Huntington, West Virginia
Judith Ivey's birth name is Ivey, Judith Lee.
Judith Goldsworthy's birth name is Judith Gregson.
Judith Lowry's birth name is Ives, Judith.
No. Huntington, WV was named after Collis P. Huntington, the owner of Huntington's Landing, and the founder of the city.
No, Huntington National Bank is not located in Huntington Beach, California. There are no Huntington Banks located in California. Huntington Bank has locations in the Midwest.
The address of the Huntington Public is: 2156 Main Rd., Huntington, 05462 0098
The address of the West Huntington is: 901 14Th Street W, Huntington, 25704 2308
Eldridge Huntington goes by JR Huntington.
The cast of The Clay of Kings - 1953 includes: Judith Braun Peter Donat Marjorie Eaton Basil Howes Sheila Huntington Roger Moore as Josiah Wedgwood
There is a Huntington Oregon.
The address of the Huntington Historical Preservation is: Po Box 385, Huntington, OR 97907
Carey Hart
Dr.George Huntington
Dalon Huntington's birth name is Dalon L. Huntington.
Tod Huntington's birth name is Tod Warren Huntington.