Joey Krusel is played by Rodney Eastman in both Nightmare 3 and 4.
Joey Krusel is murdered in his water bed by Freddy Krueger in Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.
Joey Graceffa goes by Gandfather Joey, Joey, and Grandfather.
Joey Granati goes by Joe.
now Joey does
Joey McIntyre goes by Joey Joe, Joe Bird, Joe Mac, and Joey Mac.
The only Arquette in the film is Patriccia. The kid who played Joey looked kind of like Alexis (pre sex change of course), but his name was Rodney Eastman.
Joey Krusel is murdered in his water bed by Freddy Krueger in Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.
Hollywood movies are based on fiction. There isn't a possible explanation in fictitious movies such as Nightmare on Elm Street.
Joey's Dream - 1916 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
The cast of Audition Nightmare - 2012 includes: Nate Burger as Auditioner Ted Evans as Ted Michael Lippert as Carlos Peter Oyloe as Joey
in the original movie when it was first released johnny depp's character "Glen" was pulled into a waterbed mattress with his tv and his mom found him the next morning when changing his bedding. The one released today shows him falling asleep watching tv and being pulled into a regular mattress with lots of blood. Not sure why they changed it and can't find any info on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually the scene in the movie is correct. He was pulled into his bed and blood comes pouring out. That's how that scene has always been. The scene you're thinking about with the waterbed is with Joey, Nightmare on Elm Street 4. That's when the girl appears missing from the poster and in Joey's waterbed. Then she disappears and Freddy shows up, says "How's this for a wet dream? And proceeds to stab Joey multiple times. Then the next morning a MTV show is on. Joey's Mom walks in an says, "I'm getting tired of picking up your clothes." She yells for Joey thinking he's still sleep she pulls back the covers, then she sees him drowned in his waterbed. Joey's weakness was always women. That's how Freddy got to him twice. I've seen these movies way to many times to count. NOES came out in 84. I was almost 3. I've been watching them nonstop since I the release of the first one.
The cast of Blank Street - 2011 includes: Joey Schihl as himself
The cast of Bad Dream - 2006 includes: Michael Vazquez as Tony Jose Yenque as Joey
I don't know the game but "Self-destruct Button" and "Ring of Destruction" come to mind.
in the movie Nightmare On Elm St. 4 joey is lured into complacency by Freddy Krueger by Freddy disguising himself as the bikini model on joey's wall minus bikini. freddy is inside the water-bed and lures him in to gut him with his razors hence the blood in the water. however, in real life joey is merely transported inside the water bed to drown so joey has the rare moment of dying twice.
Sarah Ferguson
Joey Ramone Place