he was wanted for his smarts
Jeffrey Toobin's birth name is Jeffrey Ross Toobin.
Jeffrey Donovan is 6'.
Jeffrey Tambor is 6' 1".
Jeffrey Lagarias was born in 1949.
It's the difference between intelligence and wisdom. Street smarts is experienced, book smarts is learned through books.
House Smarts was created in 2006.
Book smarts refers to someone that went to school. Someone that is street smart is someone who has a lot of common sense.
yes they do! sometimes. as long as you dont show off youre smarts and get annoying with them thenyea.
Street Smarts - 2000 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG
Street Smarts ATL - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: USA:G
Street smarts comes from living not school. You can only learn by living it.
2 smarts
A lot of smarts.
Chevy smarts
um buy it smarts
he was wanted for his smarts