The main theme of The Hobbit is good vs. evil.
Goblins build devices that are designed to hurt many people at once. They hate everyone, so they want to hurt everyone and make it as painful as they can. the "ingenious" inventions they build do no good for anyone, they just do bad
Gandalf is particularly good with fire. He uses fireballs and smoke on several occasions in The Hobbit.
Integrity; he keeps calm throughout all situations. He has the gift of foresight; he can look into the future and try and stop or alter events that may hinder the welfare of his people/kin. He's a good fighter. He is immortal, (too an extent).
Nobody is purely good or purely evil. Everyone has both qualities mixed within them, so that good people sometimes do bad things, and evil people sometimes have good moments.
The main theme of The Hobbit is good vs. evil.
Amir is morally ambiguous in "The Kite Runner" because he displays both positive and negative traits. He is shown as selfish, jealous, and dishonest, but also capable of redemption, empathy, and selflessness. His actions throughout the story create a complex character who is neither purely good nor purely evil.
They aren't. There are "evil" and "good characters" depending on your perception of their actions and personalities.
The Hobbit has many themes, but the main theme is good vs. evil.
In some ways Sophie is good. Her heart is purely evil though. She was put into the School for Evil because that's what her soul is. She claims that Agatha makes her soul good. Just because she is evil doesn't means that she can't do the right thing.
Treat it good with both EVIL and hero characters
The Hobbit is a work of fantasy. This sort of work, which features wizards, combative mythological beings, and the use of magic, and usually features a struggle between Good and Evil, is often called "sword and sorcery."
it is a melodrama
Good and Evil people. Eg, a fairy and a witch.
Yes, there is a Hobbit film out. It is quite good actually...
The cast of Good Versus Evil - 2010 includes: Kim Sheridan as Amy Belanger and 6 Additional Unnamed Female Characters