here is the order of elimination (i will update this on Tuesday august 3rd)i will also but the reason
#18 Ezekial-bugging Chris
#17 Duncan-quit saying "Duncan's do not sing"
#16 Ezekial-lost team Victory's invincibility item sneaking back on the plane and when Duncan quit Chris let him back on)
#15 Harlod-made a lame video in Japan making team victory lose for a second time
#14 Bridgette-making out with Alejandro and getting her tongue stuck to a pole (team victory)
# 13 LeShawna-she beat up heather after knocking her off a dancing stage because Heather was making fun of La Shawna for falling for Alejandro's tricks
# 12 TBA
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
I wan to be famous song.
The Total Drama TV serires is currently nearing the end of their third season, with Heather, Alejandro, and Cody finishing. Season 1)Total Drama Island Season 2)Total Drama Action Season 3)Total Drama World Tour
Ting-Ting is Alejandro's panda from Total Drama: World Tour
Marco Grazzini, does the voice for Alejandro Burromuerto
Well, at first Duncan was with Courtney on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action. In Total Drama Action, he and Gwen started to like eachother. In Total Drama World Tour they became a couple. So, in Total Drama World Tour, Duncan likes Gwen and hates Courtney because she was the reason Gwen was eliminated.
Total Drama World Tour happened in 2010.
No, Owen doesn't win Total Drama World Tour. Owen is eliminated in Niagra Brawls.
Total Drama World Tour was created on 2010-06-10.
Total Drama World Tour
Yes. Cody got eliminated within the first few minutes of the episode.
No, the next season is total drama world tour.
is there going to be a total drama world tour reunion special next year
Yes there is it is called Total Drama World Tour.
Total Drama Action , Total Drama World Tour and Stoked .
yes but it is not called total drama island it is called total drama world tour
Total drama world tour