In the fictional world of DREAMGIRLS, Deena Jones is the best friend of Effie Melody White and Lorrell Robinson - together the three original members of the 60s R & B group The Dreams (founded originally as The Dreamettes by Effie White). The Dreams as a whole have the spellbinding ability to bring any audience screaming to their feet whenever they open their mouths and sing.
Deena Guzder was born in 1984.
Yes she does her name is Joanie.
Yes on her right wrist
Deena Dill is the actress's name.
Nicole Polizzi, Deena Cortese, Jenny Farley, and Samantha Giancola
She plays Denna Jones, based off of the legendary motown singer, Diana Ross.
Deena Bennett's birth name is Deena Michelle Ramirez.
Deena Trudy's birth name is Deena Trudy Goldberg.
Deena Trudy is 5' 9".
Tie Blue,Rocky or Rockel Blue,Cici or Cicilia jones, Flynn Jones,Deus,Deena,Gary Wild,and GunTer and TinKa Hessenheffer,and Cici and Rocky'S moms and their dad's.
No, Vinny does not have a crush on Deena.
Deena Guzder was born in 1984.
Deena's nationality is American.
Deena Larsen was born in 1964.
Deena Deardurff was born in 1957.
Deena Ram was born in 1964.
Deena Katz was born in 1950.