She played a patient on Scrubs who was dying from I think Huntingtons' disease.
The girl from the nightline chat commercial looks a LOT like Charisma Carpenter but I can't beleive her career has fallen that far
it looks like the Actress Jennifer Grace that stars in Casserole Dish and also stars in the off broadway play Our Town.
Yes. Dee Wallace is in an Atelvia commercial. She looks great, too.
The actress is an amazing Brazilian model named Carolina Brandão. You won't find many images of her, but if you search her name, you will get a couple of decent hits.
It looks like Natalie Brown to me
I think she is Sarah Kozinn of Yoplait polka dot bikini fame. If not, she looks like Sarah's twin sister.
he looks familiar i think he was on the sopranos
Looks familiar, is it Toby Meuli?
she looks familiar. she has a really long neck
The younger brother in the commercial really looks familiar... I am almost positive that I have seen him in some other tv show or movie... if anyone knows pleas email me at
There are many other factors, namely body shape, but generally I think red looks good with brunette hair.
If its the same commercial I am thinking about, and the brunette has a son and daughter...she sure looks and sounds like Kelly Preston...but with much darker hair. I'm not 100% positive and have tried to find this out myself with no luck. I thought it looked a lot like Julie Bentz Just found out it is spelled Julie Benz...
she looks better with brown hair. she kinda looks good with blond hair but she looks better with her real hair color.
The girl from the nightline chat commercial looks a LOT like Charisma Carpenter but I can't beleive her career has fallen that far
it looks like the Actress Jennifer Grace that stars in Casserole Dish and also stars in the off broadway play Our Town.
she looks better blond
His name is David Banks. I saw him at the groundlings. I'm not sure who the girl is but she looks very familiar.