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(c.1946 - 1996) Sallow-skinned wizard with a mournful face who works for the Department of Mysteries (GF7, OP8). Injured late in 1995 when Lucius Malfoy Imperiused Bode into removing the Prophecy from the Department of Mysteries (OP26). Bode lost the power of speech and thought he was a teapot. He was regaining his health at St. Mungo's (OP23) when he was assassinated by a Devil's Snare plant that strangled him to death (OP19, OP23, OP25). It's ironic that this 'Unspeakable' was rendered incapable of speech by his injuries. Who killed him? While at St. Mungo's, he was visited by a "very old stooped wizard with a hearing Trumpet" (OP22). And according to a (non-canon) planning chart for Order of the Phoenix, Macnair was the one visiting Bode at St. Mungo's on Christmas Eve. Taken from Harry Potter Lexicon -

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