javauntae Davidson is her boyfriend i herd he like the same as her
he is a chirstan and he like chuch he eat evreything she eat
and he strong and kind and he have curly hair
Bailee Rose Madison
No, Bailee Madison does not have a lisp.
Her full name is Bailee Rose Madison.
Well, i have seen her with a crossbracelet, so she is probably a christian, but she can also be jewish.
Some people say idk.but yes Selena Gomez is obbsesed with bailee Madison they would pass for sisters don't u think if that doesn't answer your question sorry talk to Selena Gomez or bailee Madison bye
Bailee Madison's alternate names are "Bailee Madison Williams Holte".
Bailee Rose Madison
No, Bailee Madison does not have a lisp.
Bailee Madison is half Native American.
Her full name is Bailee Rose Madison.
bailee madisons perandts is cristian madison and jack madison
Bailee Madison's Twitter is @BaileeMadison.
Bailee Madison was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Bailee Madison was born on October 15, 1999.
Bailee Madison was born on October 15, 1999.
Bailee Madison lives in Fort Lauderdale,FL
Bailee Madison's dad is dead that is why you never see him